

The Vercel REST API is a REST-styled API that gives full control over the entire Vercel platform.
Table of Contents

Vercel REST API allows developers to interact programmatically with their Vercel account and services using HTTP requests.

With the API, developers can deploy new versions of web applications, manage custom domains, retrieve information about deployments, and manage secrets and environment variables for projects.

The API supports any programming language or framework that can send HTTP requests.

You can use the commands listed below with curl by providing your token.

Our API is exposed as an HTTP/1 and HTTP/2 service over SSL. All endpoints live under the URL and then generally follow the REST architecture.

The API supports HTTP versions 1, 1.1, and 2, although HTTP/2 is preferred.

TLS versions 1.2 and 1.3 are supported, with resumption.

For more information on TLS support, refer to the SSL Labs report.

All requests must be encoded as JSON with the Content-Type: application/json header. If not otherwise specified, responses from the Vercel API, including errors, are encoded exclusively as JSON as well.

Vercel Access Tokens are required to authenticate and use the Vercel API.

  Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>

The Authorization header with an access token.

Access Tokens can be created and managed from inside your account settings.

Create a new Access Token.
Create a new Access Token.
  1. In the upper-right corner of your dashboard, click your profile picture, then select Settings
  2. Select Tokens from the sidebar
  3. Enter a descriptive name for the token
  4. Choose the scope from the list of Teams in the drop-down menu. The scope ensures that only your specified Team(s) can use an Access Token
  5. From the drop-down, select an expiration date for the Token
  6. Click Create Token
  7. Once you've created an Access Token, securely store the value as it will not be shown again.

Setting an expiration date on an Access Token is highly recommended and is considered one of the standard security practices that helps keep your information secure. You can select from a default list of expiration dates ranging from 1 day to 1 year. You can view the expiration date of your Access Tokens on the tokens page.

By default, you can access resources contained within your own user account (personal).

To access resources owned by a team, or create a project for a specific team, you must first find the Team ID.

After you obtained the Team ID, append it as a query string at the end of the API endpoint URL:


Replace [teamID] with the Team ID you obtained.

You still need to provide an API token through the Authorization header.

If authentication is unsuccessful for a request, the error status code 403 is returned.

When the API response includes an array of records, a pagination object is returned when the total number of records present is greater than the limit per request. The default value of this limit is 20 but it can be changed by passing a value to the query parameter limit when the request is made. The maximum possible value of limit is 100.

You can then use the pagination object to make additional requests and obtain all the records.

The pagination object is structured as shown in the example below:

  "pagination": {
    "count": 20, //Amount of items in the current page.
    "next": 1555072968396, //Timestamp that must be used to request the next page.
    "prev": 1555413045188 //Timestamp that must be used to request the previous page.
Pagination object returned with response

In order to obtain the records for the next batch, perform the following actions:

  1. Send a request to the same API endpoint
  2. Include the query parameter until with a value equal to the timestamp value of next returned in the previous request
  3. Repeat this sequence until the pagination object has a next value of null

This is an example of applying this sequence with Node.js to save all the projects in your personal account to a json file:

const axios = require('axios');
const fs = require('fs');
const vercelToken = 'yourtokenvalue'; //Replace with your token
const apiEndPt = '';
let config = {
  method: 'get',
  url: apiEndPt,
  headers: {
    Authorization: 'Bearer ' + vercelToken,
let results = [];
(function loop() {
    .then(function (response) {
      if ( !== null) {
        config.url = `${apiEndPt}?until=${}`;
      } else {
        //you can use the final results object and for example save it to a json file
        fs.writeFileSync('projects.json', JSON.stringify(results));
    .catch(function (error) {

Save all the Projects in your Vercel personal account to projects.json

All API endpoints contain a code and message within the error responses, though some API endpoints extend the error object to contain other information. Each endpoint that does this will be documented in their appropriate section.

While we recommend that you write error messages that fit your needs and provide your users with the best experience, our message fields are designed to be neutral, not contain sensitive information, and can be safely passed down to user interfaces.

  "error": {
    "code": "forbidden",
    "message": "Not authorized"
An example of an unauthorized request error.

We limit the number of calls you can make over a certain period of time. Rate limits vary and are specified by the following header in all responses:

X-RateLimit-LimitThe maximum number of requests that the consumer is permitted to make.
X-RateLimit-RemainingThe number of requests remaining in the current rate limit window.
X-RateLimit-ResetThe time at which the current rate limit window resets in UTC epoch seconds.

When the rate limit is exceeded, an error is returned with the status "429 Too Many Requests":

  "error": {
    "code": "too_many_requests",
    "message": "Rate limit exceeded"
An example of a rate limit exceeded error.

You can find the complete list of rate limits in the limits documentation.

All endpoints and examples are designated with a specific version. Versions vary per endpoint and are not global.

The response shape of a certain endpoint is not guaranteed to be fixed over time. In particular, we might add new keys to responses without bumping a version endpoint, which will be noted in the changelog.

To ensure the security and correctness of your application, make sure to only read the keys from the response that your application needs. Don't proxy entire responses to third-parties without validation.

Old versions of each endpoint are supported for as long as possible. When we intend to deprecate, we will notify users in the changelog section.

Endpoint versions follow the base URL and come before the endpoint. For example:


Using version 6 of the deployments endpoint.

The following is a list of the types of data used within the Vercel API:

IDA unique value used to identify resources."V0fra8eEgQwEpFhYG2vTzC3K"
StringA string is a sequence of characters used to represent text."value"
IntegerAn integer is a number without decimals.1234
FloatA float is a number with decimals.12.34
MapA data structure with a list of values assigned to a unique key.{ "key": "value" }
ListA data structure with only a list of values separated by a comma.["value", 1234, 12.34]
EnumAn Enum is a String with only a few possible valid values.A | B
DateAn Integer representing a date in milliseconds since the UNIX epoch.1540095775941
BooleanA Boolean is a type of two possible values representing true or false.true

Checks are tests and assertions that run after each deployment has been built. They are powered by Integrations, which allow you to connect any third-party service of your choice with Vercel. Learn more about Checks for deployments.

Please update the Check status to running once you have begun performing the respective action within your service. Updating the Check with a conclusion will automatically set the Check status to completed.

Based on the conclusion, a deployment may fail:

Conclusionblocking equals to true

The output of a check can contain arbitrary data, or can contain Web Vitals and a Virtual Experience Score.

To include Web Vitals and a Virtual Experience Score, the following can be passed to output under a metrics field:

TBTMapThe Total Blocking Time, as measured by the Check
LCPMapThe Largest Contentful Paint, as measured by the Check
FCPMapThe First Contentful Paint, as measured by the Check
CLSMapThe Cumulative Layout Shift, as measured by the Check
virtualExperienceScoreMapThe overall Virtual Experience Score measured by the Check

Each of these has the following properties:

valueFloatThe value measured for the particular metric, in milliseconds. For virtualExperienceScore this value is the percentage between 0 and 1
previousValueFloatA previous value for comparison purposes.

Log Drains allow you to collect logs from your deployments. To enable Log Drains, you must provide a destination URL to send the logs to.

We send logs to destination URLs over HTTPS, HTTP, TLS, or TCP every time logs are generated.

We support 3 types of Log Drains:

  • JSON
  • Syslog

For more information, review Format and Transport.

When you choose the json type, the URL receives a HTTPS or HTTP POST request with a JSON array on the POST body.

If the response of the request returns an HTTP statusCode with a value of -1, that means there was no response returned and the lambda crashed. In the same response, if the value of proxy.statusCode is returned with -1, that means the revalidation occurred in the background.

The logs are buffered and submitted as batches with the following formats:

    "id": <identifier>,
    "message": <text>,
    "timestamp": <timestamp>,
    "type": <"stdout" or "stderr">,
    "source": <"build", "static", "external", or "lambda">,
    "projectId": <identifier of project>,
    "deploymentId": <identifier of deployment>,
    "buildId": <identifier of build>,
    "host": <hostname>,
    "entrypoint": <entrypoint>
    "id": <identifier>,
    "message": <text>,
    "timestamp": <timestamp>,
    "requestId": <identifier of request>,
    "statusCode": <HTTP status code of request>,
    "source": <"build", "static", "external", or "lambda">,
    "projectId": <identifier of project>,
    "deploymentId": <identifier of deployment>,
    "executionRegion": <region where the request is executed>,
    "buildId": <identifier of build only on build logs>,
    "destination": <origin of external content only on external logs>,
    "host": <hostname>,
    "path": <path>,
    "level": <"error", "warning", or "info">,
    "proxy": {
      "timestamp": <timestamp of proxy request>,
      "method": <method of request>,
      "scheme": <protocol of request>,
      "host": <hostname>,
      "path": <path of proxy request>,
      "userAgent": <user agent>,
      "referer": <referer>,
      "statusCode": <HTTP status code of proxy request>,
      "clientIp": <client IP>,
      "region": <region request is processed>,
      "cacheId": <original request id when request is served from cache>,
      "errorCode": <error code happened on proxy request>,

The requests are posted with an x-vercel-signature header which contains a hash signature you can use to validate the request body. See the Securing your Log Drains section to learn how to verify requests.

When you choose the ndjson type, the URL receives a HTTPS or HTTP POST request with JSON objects delimited by newline (\\n) on the POST body. See for more information on the structure.

Each request receives HTTP headers including x-vercel-signature.

The following are two example POST bodies:

  "id": "1573817187330377061717300000",
  "message": "done",
  "timestamp": 1573817187330,
  "type": "stdout",
  "source": "build",
  "projectId": "abcdefgdufoJxB6b9b1fEqr1jUtFkyavUURbnDCFCnZxgs",
  "deploymentId": "dpl_233NRGRjVZX1caZrXWtz5g1TAksD",
  "buildId": "bld_cotnkcr76",
  "host": "*",
  "entrypoint": "api/index.js"
  "id": "1573817250283254651097202070",
  "message": "START RequestId: 643af4e3-975a-4cc7-9e7a-1eda11539d90 Version: $LATEST\\n2019-11-15T11:27:30.721Z\\t643af4e3-975a-4cc7-9e7a-1eda11539d90\\tINFO\\thello\\nEND RequestId: 643af4e3-975a-4cc7-9e7a-1eda11539d90\\nREPORT RequestId: 643af4e3-975a-4cc7-9e7a-1eda11539d90\\tDuration: 16.76 ms\\tBilled Duration: 100 ms\\tMemory Size: 1024 MB\\tMax Memory Used: 78 MB\\tInit Duration: 186.49 ms\\t\\n",
  "timestamp": 1573817250283,
  "source": "lambda",
  "requestId": "894xj-1573817250172-7847d20a4939",
  "statusCode": 200,
  "proxy": {
    "timestamp": 1573817250172,
    "path": "/api",
    "userAgent": [
      "Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.97 Safari/537.36"
    "referer": "*",
    "method": "GET",
    "scheme": "https",
    "host": "*",
    "statusCode": 200,
    "clientIp": "",
    "region": "sfo1"
  "projectId": "abcdefgdufoJxB6b9b1fEqr1jUtFkyavUURbnDCFCnZxgs",
  "deploymentId": "dpl_233NRGRjVZX1caZrXWtz5g1TAksD",
  "host": "*",
  "path": "api/index.js"

When you choose the syslog type, the URL is connected with TLS or TCP. Log Drain messages are formatted according to RFC5424 framed using octet counting defined in RFC6587.

Syslog messages resemble the following:

425 <142>1 2019-11-15T11:42:22.562Z * now proxy - [proxy@54735 requestId="q8k4w-1573818142562-9adfb40ce9d4" statusCode="200" method="GET" path="/api" userAgent="Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/78.0.3904.97 Safari/537.36" referer="*" clientIp="" region="sfo1" signature="b847f4dd531d0b41094fb4b38fd62bde0b0e29a5"]587 <150>1 2019-11-15T11:42:22.833Z * now lambda - [lambda@54735 requestId="q8k4w-1573818142562-9adfb40ce9d4" statusCode="200" path="api/index.js" signature="0900101157dac2a2e555524c2f8d61229b15307d"] BOMSTART RequestId: ec00309f-4514-4128-8b8a-9a0e74900283 Version: $LATEST
END RequestId: ec00309f-4514-4128-8b8a-9a0e74900283
REPORT RequestId: ec00309f-4514-4128-8b8a-9a0e74900283\\tDuration: 20.08 ms\\tBilled Duration: 100 ms Memory Size: 1024 MB\\tMax Memory Used: 77 MB\\tInit Duration: 157.97 ms

Similar to JSON and NDJSON drains, a syslog message contains a hash signature for verifying messages on the signature key of structured data. On syslog drains, the signature is computed using an OAuth2 secret and the MSG section of the syslog format.

All drains support transport-level encryption using HTTPS or TLS protocols, and we strongly recommend using them on production and use others only for development and testing.

When your server starts receiving payloads, it could be a third party sending log messages to your server if they know the URL. Therefore, it is recommended to use HTTP Basic Authentication, or verify messages are sent from Vercel using an OAuth2 secret and hash signature.

For example, if you have a basic HTTP server subscribing to Log Drains, the payload can be validated like so:

const http = require('http');
const crypto = require('crypto');
  .createServer((req, res) => {
    var body = '';
    req.on('data', function (chunk) {
      body += chunk;
    req.on('end', function () {
      if (!verifySignature(req, body)) {
        res.statusCode = 403;
        res.end("signature didn't match");
function verifySignature(req, body) {
  const signature = crypto
    .createHmac('sha1', process.env.OAUTH2_SECRET)
  return signature === req.headers['x-vercel-signature'];

You can compute the signature using an HMAC hexdigest from the secret token of the OAuth2 app and request body, then compare it with the value of the x-vercel-signature header to validate the payload.

Last updated on July 16, 2024