• Statsig joins the Vercel Marketplace

    Experimentation Category - DarkExperimentation Category - Dark

    The Vercel Marketplace now has an Experimentation category to allow developers to work with feature flagging and experimentation providers in Vercel projects.

    Statsig—a modern feature management, experimentation, and analytics platform—is now available as a first-party integration in this new category, so users can:

    • Connect Statsig with your Vercel projects directly from the Vercel Marketplace

    • Leverage integrated billing through Vercel

    • Sync your Statsig experiments into Edge Config for ultra-low latency

    • Manage and roll out features progressively, run A/B tests, and track real-time results

    Additionally, you can use the Flags SDK to load experiments and flags from Statsig using the newly released @flags-sdk/statsig provider.

    Explore the template or get started with Statsig on the Vercel Marketplace, available to users on all plans.

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    Hedi Z, Dominik F, Aaron M, Andy S, Fabio B, Chris W, Justin K

  • Middleware now supports Node.js

    Middleware support for the Node.js runtime is now available, providing full Node.js support for authentication, personalization, and more—using familiar APIs.

    Middleware continues to be deployed globally on Vercel, regardless of the runtime used. We are first releasing support for Node.js Middleware in Next.js 15.2.

    This experimental feature requires the Next.js canary channel. Upgrade to next@canary and enable the nodejs experimental flag in your config to use it:

    import type { NextConfig } from "next";
    const nextConfig: NextConfig = {
    experimental: {
    nodeMiddleware: true, // Enable Node.js middleware
    export default nextConfig;

    You must also specify the Node.js runtime in your middleware file:

    import type { NextRequest } from "next/server";
    export function middleware(request: NextRequest) {
    // Your middleware logic here
    export const config = {
    runtime: "nodejs", // Specify the runtime environment as Node.js

    Deploy now with Next.js 15.2.

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    Gal S, JJ K, Seiya N, Mariano C, Javi V