Comments Overview

Comments allow teams and invited participants to give direct feedback on preview deployments. Learn more about Comments in this overview.
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Comments are available on all plans

Comments allow teams and invited participants to give direct feedback on preview deployments or other environments through the Vercel Toolbar. Comments can be added to any part of the UI, opening discussion threads that can be linked to Slack threads. This feature is enabled by default on all preview deployments, for all account plans, free of charge. The only requirement is that all users must have a Vercel account.

Comments on a preview deployment of the Vercel Docs homepage.
Comments on a preview deployment of the Vercel Docs homepage.

Pull request owners receive emails when a new comment is created. Comment creators and participants in comment threads will receive email notifications alerting them to new activity within those threads. Anyone in your Vercel team can leave comments on your previews by default. On Pro and Enterprise plans, you can invite external users to view your deployment and leave comments.

When changes are pushed to a PR, and a new preview deployment has been generated, a popup modal in the bottom-right corner of the deployment will prompt you to refresh your view:

The popup modal that alerts you when you are viewing an outdated deployment.
The popup modal that alerts you when you are viewing an outdated deployment.

Comments are visible over your project's UI at the preview deployment URL.

When you open a deployment with comments enabled, you'll see a toolbar near the bottom of your browser that will prompt you to log into your Vercel account to leave a comment. You can drag this toolbar anywhere.

Shrunken toolbar showing Flags icon.
Shrunken toolbar showing Flags icon.

To display the toolbar in full, hover over the toolbar

Once you've successfully logged in, a shrunken version of the toolbar will appear at the bottom-right corner of the screen. Hover over the toolbar to see all the icons, enabling you to:

See Vercel Toolbar to learn more about the feature of the toolbar.

Comments on each page are represented by the author's Vercel profile picture, allowing you to see at a glance which team members and participants have left feedback.

Last updated on October 6, 2024