Table of Contents

Vercel's Edge Network enables you to store content close to your customers and run compute in regions close to your data, reducing latency and improving end-user performance.

Our Edge Network is both a Content Delivery Network (CDN) and a globally distributed platform for running compute in regions around the globe.

If you're deploying an app on Vercel, you're already using our Edge Network. These docs will teach you how to optimize your apps and deployment configuration to get the best performance for your use-case.

Our global Edge Network has 119 Points of Presence in 94 cities across 51 countries.
Our global Edge Network has 119 Points of Presence in 94 cities across 51 countries.

Vercel's Edge Network is built on a robust global infrastructure designed for optimal performance and reliability:

  • Points of Presence (PoPs): Our network includes over 100 PoPs distributed worldwide, acting as the first point of contact for incoming requests.
  • Edge Regions: Behind these PoPs, we maintain 18 compute-capable regions where your code can run close to your data.
  • Private Network: Traffic flows from PoPs to the nearest Edge region through private, low-latency connections, ensuring fast and efficient data transfer.

This architecture balances the benefits of widespread geographical distribution with the efficiency of concentrated caching and compute resources. By maintaining fewer, dense regions, we increase cache hit probability while ensuring low-latency access through our extensive PoP network.

  • Redirects: Redirects are used to tell the client to make a new request to a different URL, useful for enforcing HTTPS, redirecting users, and directing traffic
  • Rewrites: Rewrites internally change the URL the server uses to fetch the requested resource, allowing for dynamic content and improved routing
  • Headers: Headers are used to modify the request and response headers, allowing for improved security, performance, and functionality
  • Caching: Caching stores responses at the edge, reducing latency and improving performance
  • Streaming: Streaming enables you to improve your users' perception of your app's speed and performance
  • HTTPS / SSL: Every Deployment on Vercel is served over an HTTPS connection with automatic SSL certificate provisioning
  • Compression: Compression reduces data transfer and improves performance, with support for both gzip and brotli compression

Vercel's Edge Network pricing is divided into three resources:

  • Fast Data Transfer: Data transfer between the Vercel Edge Network and the user's device
  • Fast Origin Transfer: Data transfer between the Edge Network and Vercel Functions
  • Edge Requests: Requests made to the Edge Network
An overview of how items relate to the Edge Network
An overview of how items relate to the Edge Network

All resources are billed based on usage with each plan having an included allotment. Those on the Pro plan are billed according to additional allotments.

The pricing for each resource is based on the region from which requests to your site come. Use the dropdown to select your preferred region and see the pricing for each resource.

Select a Region
Managed Infrastructure pricing
Hobby Included
Pro Included
Pro Additional
First 100 GBFirst 1 TB$0.15 per 1 GB
First 10 GBFirst 100 GB$0.06 per 1 GB
First 1,000,000First 10,000,000$2.00 per 1,000,000 Requests

The table below shows the metrics for the Networking section of the Usage dashboard.

To view information on managing each resource, select the resource link in the Metric column. To jump straight to guidance on optimization, select the corresponding resource link in the Optimize column.

Manage and Optimize pricing
Top PathsThe paths that consume the most resources on your teamN/AN/A
Fast Data TransferThe data transfer between Vercel's Edge Network and your sites' end users.YesLearn More
Fast Origin TransferThe data transfer between Vercel's Edge Network to Vercel ComputeYesLearn More
Edge RequestsThe number of cached and uncached requests that your deployments have receivedYesLearn More

See the manage and optimize networking usage section for more information on how to optimize your usage.

The Edge Network supports the following protocols (negotiated with ALPN):

Vercel supports 35 frontend frameworks. These frameworks provide a local development environment used to test your app before deploying to Vercel.

Through framework-defined infrastructure, Vercel then transforms your framework build outputs into globally managed infrastructure for production.

If you are using Vercel Functions or other compute on Vercel without a framework, you can use the Vercel CLI to test your code locally with vercel dev.

While sometimes necessary, proceed with caution when you place another CDN in front of Vercel:

  • Vercel's Edge Network is designed to deploy new releases of your site without downtime by purging the Edge Network cache globally and replacing the current deployment
  • If you use an additional CDN in front of Vercel, it can cause issues because Vercel has no control over the other provider, leading to the serving of stale content or returning 404 errors
  • To avoid these problems while still using another CDN, we recommend you either configure a short cache time or disabling the cache entirely. Check the documentation for your preferred CDN to learn how to do either option

Learn more about using a proxy in front of Vercel.

Last updated on October 6, 2024