Using the Activity Log

Learn how to use the Activity Log, which provides a list of all events on a Hobby team or team, chronologically organized since its creation.
Table of Contents

Activity Log is available on all plans

The Activity Log provides a list of all events on a Hobby team or team, chronologically organized since its creation. These events include:

  • User(s) involved with the event
  • Type of event performed
  • Type of account
  • Time of the event (hover over the time to reveal the exact timestamp)

Vercel does not emit any logs to third-party services. The Activity Log is only available to the account owner and team members.

Example events list on the Activity page.

Common use cases for viewing the Activity log include:

  • If a user was removed or deleted by mistake, use the list to find when the event happened and who requested it
  • A domain can be disconnected from your deployment. Use the list to see if a domain related event was recently triggered
  • Check if a specific user was removed from a team

The table below shows a list of events logged on the Activity page.

Types of events logged.
Event Type
access-group-createdA user created an access group.
access-group-deletedA user deleted an access group.
access-group-project-updatedA project was changed in an access group.
access-group-user-addedA user was added to an access group.
access-group-user-removedA user was removed from an access group.
alias-invite-createdAn invite was sent for an alias.
alias-invite-joinedA user joined an alias they were given access to.
alias-invite-revokedAn invite was revoked for an alias.
alias-protection-bypass-createdA shareable link was created for an alias.
alias-protection-bypass-exceptionA Deployment Protection Exception was updated for an alias.
alias-protection-bypass-regeneratedA shareable link was regenerated for an alias.
alias-protection-bypass-revokedA shareable link was revoked for an alias.
alias-user-scoped-access-deniedA user's access request for an alias was denied.
alias-user-scoped-access-grantedA user's access request for an alias was granted.
alias-user-scoped-access-requestedA user requested access to an alias.
alias-user-scoped-access-revokedA user's access for an alias was revoked.
auto-expose-system-envsAutomatically exposing System Environment Variables for the project.
avatarAn avatar was created for the profile of a personal account.
certAn SSL certificate was created for a custom domain in a personal account or team.
cert-deleteAn SSL certificate connected to a custom domain was deleted.
deploy-hook-dedupedIf a deploy hook triggers a deployment for a commit that already triggered a deployment via Git, then the deployment from the deploy hook is stopped. This action is reported with the deploy-hook-deduped event.
deploy-hook-processedA deployment was successfully triggered by a specific deploy hook.
deploymentA deployment was created for a project.
deployment-creation-blockedA deployment was blocked because the Git user is not part of the team.
deployment-deleteA specific deployment was deleted.
disabled-integration-installation-removedA disabled integration was automatically uninstalled
dns-addA DNS record was added to the personal account or team domain records for a specific domain.
dns-deleteA DNS record was deleted from the personal account or team domain records for a specific domain.
dns-updateA DNS record was updated in the personal account or team domain records for a specific domain.
domainA domain connection was created in a personal account or team.
domain-buyA domain was successfully purchased in a personal account or team.
domain-delegatedA domain was successfully delegated to another personal account or team so it can also be used there.
domain-deleteA domain was removed from a personal account or team.
domain-move-inA domain was moved in from another personal account or team to the current personal account or team.
domain-move-outA domain was moved out from the current personal account or team to another personal account or team.
domain-move-out-request-sentThe request to move a domain from the current personal account or team to another personal account or team was sent.
domain-renew-changeA domain hosted with Vercel was renewed.
domain-transfer-inA domain was transferred from an external provider to Vercel.
edge-config-createdAn Edge Config was created.
edge-config-deletedAn Edge Config was deleted.
edge-config-items-updatedThe values in an Edge Config were updated.
edge-config-token-createdAn access token for an Edge Config was created.
edge-config-token-deletedAn access token for an Edge Config was deleted.
edge-config-updatedAn Edge Config was updated.
emailThe email of the current user was updated.
env-variable-addAn automatically encrypted environment variable was added to a project.
env-variable-deleteAn existing environment variable was deleted from a project.
env-variable-editAn existing environment variable in a project was updated.
env-variable-readThe plain text value of an encrypted environment variable was read.
instant-rollback-createdAn instant rollback was created.
integration-configuration-scope-change-confirmedThe permissions upgrade request from an installed integration was confirmed.
integration-configurations-disabledOne or more integrations were disabled because their owner has left the team
integration-installation-completedAn integration was installed in one or all projects under a personal account or team.
integration-installation-permission-updatedThe permissions for an installed integration was updated.
integration-installation-removedAn integration was removed from a project or personal account or team.
integration-scope-changedThe scopes for an integration were changed.
log-drain-createdA log drain was created.
log-drain-deletedA log drain was deleted.
log-drain-disabledA log drain was disabled.
log-drain-enabledA log drain was enabled.
loginA user logged in at a specific time with a login method.
manual-deployment-promotion-createdA deployment was manually promoted to production.
monitoring-disabledMonitoring was disabled for the team
monitoring-enabledMonitoring was enabled for the team.
passkey-createdA new passkey was created.
passkey-deletedAn existing passkey was deleted.
passkey-updatedThe name of the existing passkey was updated.
password-protection-disabledAdvanced Deployment Protection was disabled for the team.
password-protection-enabledAdvanced Deployment Protection was enabled for the team.
planA payment plan (hobby, pro or enterprise) was added to a personal account.
preview-deployment-suffix-disabledThe preview deployment suffix for a team was disabled.
preview-deployment-suffix-enabledThe preview deployment suffix for a team was enabled.
preview-deployment-suffix-updateThe preview deployment suffix for a team was updated.
project-analytics-disabledLegacy Speed Insights was disabled for a specific project.
project-analytics-enabledLegacy Speed Insights was enabled for a specific project.
project-automation-bypassProtection Bypass for Automation for a project was modified.
project-deleteA specific project was deleted.
project-domain-unverifiedThe ownership of a domain added to Vercel became unverified.
project-domain-verifiedThe project domain ownership was verified.
project-member-addedA user was added to a project.
project-member-invitedA user was invited to a project.
project-member-removedA user was removed from a project.
project-member-updatedA user was updated in a project.
project-move-in-successThe transfer of a project to the current personal account or team succeeded.
project-move-out-failedThe transfer of a project from the current personal account or team failed.
project-move-out-startedThe transfer of a project from the current personal account or team was initiated.
project-move-out-successThe transfer of a project from the current personal account or team succeeded.
project-options-allowlistOPTIONS Allowlist was modified.
project-password-protectionPassword Protection for a project was modified.
project-pausedThe project's production deployment was paused.
project-speed-insights-disabledSpeed Insights was disabled for a specific project.
project-speed-insights-enabledSpeed Insights was enabled for a specific project.
project-sso-protectionVercel Authentication (formerly SSO protection) for a project was modified.
project-trusted-ipsTrusted IPs for a project was modified.
project-unpausedThe project's production deployment was resumed.
project-web-analytics-disabledWeb Analytics was disabled for a project.
project-web-analytics-enabledWeb Analytics was enabled for a project.
secondary-email-addedAn email was added to the account
secondary-email-removedAn email was removed from the account
secondary-email-verifiedAn email was verified
secret-addAn encrypted environment variable was added to a project. (Only possible through the API and CLI)
secret-deleteAn encrypted environment variable was deleted from a project. (Only possible through the API and CLI)
secret-renameAn encrypted environment variable was renamed in a project. (Only possible through the API and CLI)
set-nameThe full name on the personal account was set.
shared-env-variable-addAn automatically encrypted shared environment variable was created.
shared-env-variable-deleteAn existing shared environment variable was deleted.
shared-env-variable-readThe plain text value of an encrypted shared environment variable was read.
shared-env-variable-updateAn existing shared environment variable was updated.
spend-createdA spend amount was defined.
spend-updatedA spend amount was updated.
storage-accept-tosAcceptance of storage terms of service
storage-accessed-data-browserMade a query to the store from the Data tab
storage-connect-projectA store was connected to a project
storage-createA new store was created
storage-deleteA store was deleted
storage-disconnect-projectA store was disconnected to a project
storage-inactive-store-deletedAn inactive store was deleted
storage-reset-credentialsThe credentials for a store were reset
storage-updateA store was updated
storage-view-secretViewed a secret for a store
teamA team was created in a personal account.
team-avatar-updateThe avatar of a specific team was updated.
team-deleteA specific team was deleted.
team-member-addA member was added to a specific team.
team-member-confirm-requestThe request for a user to join a team was confirmed.
team-member-decline-requestThe request for a user to join a team was declined.
team-member-deleteA specific team member was deleted from a team.
team-member-joinA team member joined the current team.
team-member-leaveA team member left the current team.
team-member-request-accessA user requested access to join a team.
team-member-role-updateThe role of a specific team member was updated.
team-name-updateThe name of a team was updated.
team-remote-caching-updateThe Remote Caching status was changed.
team-slug-updateThe slug of a team was updated.
user-primary-email-updatedThe primary email was changed
usernameThe username of a personal account was updated.
web-analytics-tier-updatedThe Web Analytics subscription tier was changed.
Last updated on October 6, 2024